Free WiFi on STOAG buses and trams

Stadt­wer­ke Ober­hau­sen (STOAG) will equip all buses and trams with free WiFi by the end of March. STOAG cho­se HOTSPLOTS as the tech­ni­cal ser­vice pro­vi­der in a ten­de­ring process.

To surf the inter­net for free during their jour­ney, pas­sen­gers sel­ect the WiFi “STOAG Wi-Fi” via the set­tings of their smart­phone, tablet or lap­top, accept the terms of use and can then log in. Regis­tra­ti­on takes place wit­hout pro­vi­ding per­so­nal data.

In the STOAG vehic­les, a hot­spot is pro­vi­ded for pas­sen­gers via rou­ters. The com­pa­ny Hot­splots GmbH from Ber­lin, a spe­cia­list for WiFi solu­ti­ons in public trans­port, acts as Inter­net ser­vice pro­vi­der. Pas­sen­gers bene­fit from a simp­le and data-saving sys­tem. To ensu­re the pro­tec­tion of minors, a cor­re­spon­ding youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter is set. The instal­la­ti­on is 50% fun­ded by the Fede­ral Minis­try of Trans­port and Digi­tal Infra­struc­tu­re from the fun­ding pro­gram­me “Digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on of Muni­ci­pal Trans­port Systems”.

Plea­se find fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the STOAG pas­sen­ger WiFi here.

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