We are hap­py to help you

Get in cont­act with us — via cont­act form, pho­ne or send us an email

Do you have a gene­ral ques­ti­on about our pro­ducts and ser­vices? Do you have a tech­ni­cal pro­blem? We are hap­py to help. Plea­se use the cont­act form below or call our ser­vice hotline.

Cont­act us

6 + 7 =

Sup­port hotline

You can reach our sup­port hot­line on work­days bet­ween 8 am and 8 pm. Our com­pe­tent staff will glad­ly help you.

Tel: +49 30 29 77 348–0

Mail: support(at)hotsplots.de

FAQ, firm­ware and downloads

You need help with a pro­blem, are loo­king for your device’s manu­al or would like to install the HOTSPLOTS firm­ware on your rou­ter? Then visit our com­pre­hen­si­ve FAQ and down­load area. 

FAQ and down­load area