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Hot­spot usage

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How do I put cre­dit on my HOTSPLOTS account as a user?

You can put money on your HOTSPLOTS account in one of the fol­lo­wing ways:

1. Sofort­über­wei­sung

(Imme­dia­te­ly available, mini­mum of EUR 2.00)

If you have a bank account in one of the fol­lo­wing count­ries, you can use the ser­vice of “sofort­über­wei­sung” to initia­te a bank trans­fer from your bank account to us:

Aus­tria, Bel­gi­um, Czech Repu­blic, France, Ger­ma­ny, Hun­ga­ry, Ita­ly, Net­her­lands, Pol­and, UK, Slo­va­kia, Spain, Switzerland

The money will be imme­dia­te­ly available in your HOTSPLOTS account. You will not need to wait until the bank has trans­fer­red the money to ours.

2. Cre­dit cards

(Imme­dia­te­ly available, mini­mum of EUR 5.00)

With your Visa, Mas­ter­Card or Ame­ri­can Express you can put money on your HOTSPLOTS account and use it right away.

3. Direct debit

(only available in Ger­ma­ny) (Imme­dia­te­ly available, mini­mum of EUR 5.00)

For “veri­fied cus­to­mers” (e.g. hot­spot ope­ra­tors) we offer the direct debit opti­on. You tell us your account infor­ma­ti­on and we char­ge the desi­red amount con­ve­ni­ent­ly via direct debit. You auto­ma­ti­cal­ly beco­me a veri­fied cus­to­mer if you put cre­dit on your account via a money trans­fer, ther­eby allo­wing us to veri­fy your bank account infor­ma­ti­on. We have to take this pre­cau­ti­on to pro­tect us and the hot­spot ope­ra­tors from peo­p­le who pro­vi­de fal­se account infor­ma­ti­on. Plea­se note that the direct debit opti­on is only available in Germany.

4. Pay­Pal

(Most­ly available in less than 1 hour, mini­mum of EUR 6.00)

If you alre­a­dy have a Pay­Pal account, this is the easie­st way to put cre­dit on your hot­splots account.

  1. Enter the desi­red amount and hit the Pay­Pal button.
  2. We will then redi­rect you to Pay­Pal, whe­re you can quick­ly and safe­ly put the desi­red amount on your HOTSPLOTS account.

Some­ti­mes Pay­Pal does not pro­cess the order imme­dia­te­ly but keeps the money for a cou­ple of days until some kind of inspec­tion is finis­hed. For regu­lar users we recom­mend to use Money Trans­fer or Direct debit.

5. Money transfer

(Takes a few days to pro­cess, mini­mum of EUR 5.00)

If you choo­se the money trans­fer opti­on, we pro­vi­de you with a code that you wri­te on your trans­fer order. As soon as we recei­ve the money your HOTSPLOTS account will be cre­di­ted with the respec­ti­ve amount. Unfort­u­na­te­ly a money trans­fer takes a few days to pro­cess, mea­ning you can’t use your cre­dit right away. Once we have recei­ved one suc­cessful money order you will beco­me a “veri­fied cus­to­mer”, allo­wing you to choo­se the instant­ly-pro­cessa­ble direct debit opti­on next time.

How do I con­nect to a hotspot?
  1. The inter­net sur­fer choo­ses the hot­spot Wi-Fi. In Win­dows you can use the func­tion “Choo­se a wire­less net­work”.
    A quick start gui­de for Android and iOS can be down­loa­ded here.
  2. Initi­al­ly access to the inter­net is denied. After try­ing to con­nect to a web­site for the first time, the sur­fer is redi­rec­ted to the HOTSPLOTS ser­ver. This con­nec­tion is always secu­red by SSL-encryp­ti­on. All infor­ma­ti­on about the user is stored only on the ser­vers of HOTSPLOTS.
  3. The log­in depends on the loca­ti­on owners choice: 
    • Direct log­in: The user accepts the terms and log­ins with a sin­gle click.
    • User log­in: The user authen­ti­ca­tes hims­elf to the HOTSPLOTS ser­ver with his user­na­me and pass­word. If suc­cessful he is aut­ho­ri­zed for inter­net access. It the hot­spot isn’t free of char­ge the user has to pay in some money to his user account befo­re that. The bil­ling works on a pre­paid basis. Many hot­spots can be used for free.
    • Ticket log­in: At many hot­spots you can get so cal­led Loca­ti­on Tickets. The­se tickets pro­vi­de a user­na­me and pass­word, so no regis­tra­ti­on at our web­site is necessary.
  4. Every few minu­tes and at the end of the ses­si­on the hot­spot sends infor­ma­ti­on about traf­fic and dura­ti­on time to the HOTSPLOTS ser­ver. This data is used to cal­cu­la­te the session’s cos­ts, which are then with­drawn from the user account.
How do I order the FlexiFlat?

You do not need to order the Fle­xiFlat. When you start using hot­spots with Fle­xiFlat you pay the nor­mal pri­ce per minu­te oder GB until you reach the Fle­xiFlat-Limit of EUR 14.95. After that you can con­ti­nue to use the hot­spots for free until the end of the cur­rent calen­dar month (i.e. Janu­ary, Febru­ary etc.).

This is valid at all Fle­xiFlat loca­ti­ons. Whe­re you can use the Fle­xiFlat can be seen in advan­ce at our map. Addi­tio­nal­ly it is writ­ten in the tariff infor­ma­ti­on in the log­in screen of all the­se hot­spots. When you have used a hot­spot with this opti­on the Fle­xiFlat will be at least valid until the end of the calen­dar month.

How can I log out?

You will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be log­ged out if you are dis­con­nec­ted from a hot­spot for lon­ger than 10 minu­tes, for exam­p­le if you lea­ve the recep­ti­on area or switch off your laptop.

Howe­ver the most exact and safest way is to actively log­out on our ser­ver via http://logout.hotsplots.de

This page shows not only the log­out but­ton but also infor­ma­ti­on about the sta­tus of the cur­rent user ses­si­on, i.e. remai­ning time and data volume.

How long does bank trans­fer take?

Bank trans­fers in EUR bet­ween two banks in the EU may take up to three working days bet­ween debit of the customer’s account to the cre­dit on the user’s HOTSPLOTS account. The HOTSPLOTS account will be cre­di­ted in the mor­ning bet­ween 08:00 am and 12:30 pm..

If the trans­fer is sub­mit­ted to the bank in wri­ting, the time until cre­diting may be exten­ded by one day. Banks and HOTSPLOTS only book on working days from Mon­day to Friday.

What do I need to con­sider when using direct debit?

The com­for­ta­ble direct debit is offe­red to regis­tered cus­to­mers who have char­ged their HOTSPLOTS account at least once by bank transfer.

For pay­ments of pre­paid money we offer bank trans­fer for cus­to­mers in the EU with EUR bank accounts. For con­tracts of hot­spot ope­ra­tors it might be pos­si­ble with bank accounts in other cur­ren­ci­es, i. e. GBP bank accounts in the UK. Plea­se cont­act our accoun­ting depart­ment for assis­tance in such a case.

If the direct debit fails, e. g. becau­se of wrong bank data or a lack of cre­dit balan­ce, HOTSPLOTS has to pay a fee for the return debit note. Hence HOTSPLOTS char­ges the amount of this exter­nal cos­ts per return debit note.

What infor­ma­ti­on is stored at hot­spot usage?

With every log­in or log­out at a hot­spot, time, name of the hot­spot, MAC address of the hot­spot rou­ter and cli­ent com­pu­ter, public IP address of the hot­spot, local IP address of the cli­ent, trans­fe­red amount of data and depen­ding on the type of aut­ho­riza­ti­on user­na­me, ticket num­ber or MAC address are stored.

HOTSPLOTS does not record con­tent or visi­ted URLs. The­se data are pro­tec­ted by the sec­re­cy of tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons in Ger­man law.

During a ses­si­on stored data are updated every ten minu­tes. The inte­rim infor­ma­ti­on of finis­hed ses­si­ons is dele­ted daily.

After log­out data that is not nee­ded for bil­ling pur­po­ses is tem­po­r­a­ri­ly stored for tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce and sup­port. In an effort to reach an opti­mum bet­ween pri­va­cy pro­tec­tion and qua­li­ty of ser­vice we go cle­ar­ly below the legal limit of seven days. At the moment we dele­te the­se data after three days.

All data that is nee­ded for bil­ling pur­po­ses is dele­ted month­ly if it is older than five months and the bill is paid wit­hout objection.

Until the­se data are dele­ted the hot­spot ope­ra­tor can view some usa­ge data of his hot­spots in the cus­to­mer area. He has access to the data of his own ses­si­ons or tho­se of the loca­ti­on tickets he crea­ted. Data of other ses­si­ons is shown anony­mi­sed, i.e. wit­hout user­na­me or even real name.

You find fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on in the data pro­tec­tion poli­cy of our website..

Is the hot­spot encrypt­ed securely?

Usual­ly, the SSID of our Hot­spots are not encrypt­ed, so every user can con­nect to the WiFi net­work easi­ly. A cli­ent needs to authen­ti­ca­te with us, befo­re he is able to use the inter­net connection.

Important aspects of the secu­ri­ty while instal­ling a WiFi hot­spot are the pro­tec­tion of local­ly instal­led devices from access out of the hot­spot and also pre­ven­ting hot­spot users from acces­sing other hot­spot users — this is done via a net­wi­de cli­ent-iso­la­ti­on. The nec­ces­sa­ry set­tings are acti­va­ted as stan­dard on our con­fi­gu­red hot­spot gateways.

Alter­na­tively a Vir­tu­al Pri­va­te Net­work (VPN) can be used to secu­re traf­fic via cli­ent and internet.

If you choo­se to set­up your hot­spot rou­ter on your own, plea­se read the rou­ters manu­al, which we pro­vi­de here. 

How can I dele­te my account?

If you want to dele­te your user account, you usual­ly do not have to can­cel it sepa­ra­te­ly. Plea­se log in to the Cus­to­mer log­in. You sim­ply click in the cus­to­mer site the menu item “account” on “edit account” and at the bot­tom of the page on the link “dele­te account” and then confirm.

Your account will be imme­dia­te­ly deac­ti­va­ted after pres­sing the con­fir­ma­ti­on but­ton “Yes, dele­te account”. Plea­se con­sider, that remai­ning balan­ce you might have on your account, will be lost.

In case you have run­ning con­tract, such as HOTSPLOTS FreeRa­te or Post­paid, pro­ba­b­ly becau­se you are not just a user but a hot­spot ope­ra­tor, plea­se read the accor­ding ans­wer in the FAQ for hot­spot ope­ra­tors.

How do I find the MAC address of my device (Android, iOS)?

You can find the MAC address in the set­tings of your mobi­le device. You can down­load a short ins­truc­tion for various Android and iOS ver­si­ons here: Quick Gui­de MAC address


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