HotĀspot operation
HotĀspot usage
HotĀspot installation
Any quesĀtiĀons left? ContĀact us
Do I have to pay for the usaĀge of my own hotspot?
No, of courĀse not. As hotĀspot opeĀraĀtor you always access your hotĀspot for free. After all, we do not want to put opeĀraĀtors at a disĀadĀvanĀtaĀge. FurĀtherĀmoĀre you can make a list of free users. This way, friĀends or flat mates donāt have to pay eitĀher ā indeĀpenĀdent of the choĀsen tariff.
You can add selĀecĀted Mac addresĀses and user names in the cusĀtoĀmer area under āMy hotĀspotsā. In the data field under āAdd free MACā enter the phyĀsiĀcal MAC address of the end device that you want to release and then click on [ Add ]. You can only enter and add one MAC address in the data field at a time. UnfortĀuĀnaĀteĀly, it is not posĀsiĀble to enter seveĀral MAC addresĀses at the same time. The MAC addresĀses released on the hotĀspot are disĀplayĀed in the āFree MACsā list.
How does the bilĀling work for hotĀspot operators?
With each usaĀge of a hotĀspot, that is not free of charĀge, the hotĀspot operatorās share is calĀcuĀlaĀted. At the beginĀning of a new calenĀdar month, the payaĀble creĀdit balanĀce is updated.
You can transĀfer your incoĀme to your bank account. The miniĀmum amount for bank transĀfer is EUR 10.00.
AlterĀnaĀtively you can use the money to pay for locaĀtiĀon tickets for reselling.
How do I print tickets with my companyās own logo?
As opeĀraĀtor of a WLAN hotĀspot you can downĀload locaĀtiĀon tickets (vouĀchĀers) as PDF files. You can print theĀse yoursĀelf and give them to your local cusĀtoĀmers. You can chooĀse betĀween tickets to sell or tickets to give away for free to your esteeĀmed cusĀtoĀmers or guests.
The PDF files are optiĀmiĀzed for prinĀting on card temĀplaĀtes (85 x 55 mm) as they are offeĀred by Sigel. No cutĀting is necesĀsaĀry. This is a cost-saving way to proĀduĀce valuable tickets. But the bigĀgest advanĀtaĀge is that this way you can use the tickets as adverĀtiĀsing mateĀriĀal for your own company.
You can put your logo or companyās inforĀmaĀtiĀon on the tickets: Upload an image file with your own design to our serĀver. You can chooĀse out of seveĀral preĀcast layĀouts wheĀre this image will be autoĀmaĀtiĀcalĀly inserĀted. It must not be larĀger than 80 x 20 mm to fit into the ticket layouts.
If the posiĀtioĀning an the card temĀplaĀtes fails, pleaĀse check the proĀperĀties of your prinĀter driĀver first.
If the borĀders of your prinĀtouts donāt fit the card temĀplaĀtes, you can comĀpenĀsaĀte this error buy setĀting corĀrecĀtion values for the x- and yādirection on the page wheĀre you chooĀse your ticket temĀpĀlaĀte. For furĀther quesĀtiĀons pleaĀse conĀsult your prinĀter manual.
Can I return locaĀtiĀon tickets?
Yes. Go to the cusĀtoĀmer area and chooĀse the menu item āLocaĀtiĀon ticketsā. Click āOptiĀonsā for the tickets you want to return.
In the top part of the folĀloĀwing page you can chanĀge some proĀperĀties, which have no influence on the priĀce HOTSPLOTS charĀges for the tickets, which more often than not makes returĀning the tickets unnecesĀsaĀry. For the cases this is not sufĀfiĀciĀent you will find the butĀton āReturn ticketsā at the botĀtom of the page.
Any amount alreĀaĀdy charĀged for returĀned or still unuĀsed tickets will be settĀled with the next invoice for locaĀtiĀon tickets or runĀning conĀtracts. The returĀned tickets of the sheet will then becoĀme invalid.
Do I have to wriĀte down names of ticket customers?
No. In the EU theĀre ist no legal obliĀgaĀtiĀon to record perĀsoĀnal data of ticket customers.
Are theĀre serĀvice accounts with limiĀtĀed access for ticket management?
An exisĀting cusĀtoĀmer account allows the creaĀtiĀon of subĀacĀcounts with limiĀtĀed user rights. This may be useful in such cases when, for examĀpĀle, a hotel manaĀger wants to enable employees or the serĀvice perĀsonĀnel to creaĀte locaĀtiĀon tickets witĀhout giving them comĀpleĀte access to all funcĀtions of the hotĀspot management.
At the botĀtom of the form under āAccountā in the cusĀtoĀmer area you can find a butĀton to regisĀter a āNew serĀvice accountā.
The new account is then linĀked to the āparent accountā. After logĀging in to the serĀvice account all ticket funcĀtions of the āparent accountā, such as prinĀting or reorĀdeĀring tickets, can be used. ManaĀging hotĀspots, chanĀges to the setĀtings or using hotĀspots are not posĀsiĀble with such an account.
How can I check wheĀther VPN rouĀting is on?
HotĀspot opeĀraĀtors can check the funcĀtionĀaĀliĀty of VPN rouĀting in three ways:
- If you are conĀnecĀted to your own WLAN hotĀspot, you can open with any web browĀser. On this page your public IP is shown and wheĀther VPN rouĀting is actiĀve or not.
- The staĀtus of the VPN conĀnecĀtion is shown under menu items StaĀtus and VPN rouĀting in the hotĀspot routerās web interface.
- In the cusĀtoĀmer area under menu item My hotĀspots in the row labeĀled āVPN-RouĀtingā it is shown wheĀther VPN rouĀting is actiĀve or not. For actiĀve VPN conĀnecĀtions date and time of the last VPN accounĀting entĀry is given as well as the IP adress of the VPN server.
What inforĀmaĀtiĀon is stored at usaĀge of VPN routing?
After conĀnecĀting to or disĀconĀnecĀting from the VPN serĀver timestamp, hotĀspot name, IP address of the VPN serĀver, the hotspotās public IP and VPN IP address are saved togĀeĀther with the amount of transĀfeĀred data.
After logĀout data that is not neeĀded for bilĀling purĀpoĀses is temĀpoĀrĀaĀriĀly stored for techĀniĀcal mainĀtenĀanĀce and supĀport. In an effort to reach an optiĀmum betĀween priĀvaĀcy proĀtecĀtion and quaĀliĀty of serĀvice we go cleĀarĀly below the legal limit of seven days. At the moment we deleĀte theĀse data after three days.
All data that is neeĀded for bilĀling purĀpoĀses is deleĀted monthĀly if it is older than five months and the bill is paid witĀhout objection.
PleaĀse notiĀce the data proĀtecĀtion poliĀcy of our webĀsite too.
Is HOTSPLOTS regisĀtered with the BunĀdesĀnetzĀagenĀtur (FedeĀral NetĀwork Agency)?
Of courĀse. hotĀsplots GmbH was regisĀtered with the BunĀdesĀnetzĀagenĀtur for its offer of comĀmerĀcial teleĀcomĀmuĀniĀcaĀtiĀon serĀvices for the public in accordance with Ā§ 6 TeleĀkomĀmuĀniĀkaĀtiĀonsĀgeĀsetz (TKG ā TeleĀcomĀmuĀniĀcaĀtiĀons Act) under the regisĀtraĀtiĀon numĀber 05/423 in 2005.
EqualĀly natuĀralĀly HOTSPLOTS comĀpliĀes with the obliĀgaĀtiĀon to creaĀte and mainĀtain a secuĀriĀty conĀcept accorĀding to Ā§ 109 TKG.
Like any proĀviĀder offeĀring charĀgeable time-based tariffs accorĀding to Ā§ 45g TKG HOTSPLOTS is requiĀred to proĀve the corĀrectĀness of the conĀnecĀtion rate calĀcuĀlaĀtiĀon. For this reason, HOTPLOTS has itsĀelf audiĀted by a publicly appoinĀted and sworn expert for teleĀcomĀmuĀniĀcaĀtiĀon and conĀnecĀtion rate calĀcuĀlaĀtiĀon every year. EvaĀluaĀtiĀon and audit report are then cheĀcked by the Bundesnetzagentur.
Do I get a reguĀlar receipt?
Yes. For the sake of the enviĀronĀment and becauĀse itās simĀply conĀveĀniĀent and inexĀpenĀsiĀve, we offer downĀloaĀding as a PDF file as standard.
If you always want an invoice by post, we offer this for a surcharĀge of EUR 1.50 plus staĀtuĀtoĀry VAT. VAT on. To do this, pleaĀse contĀact buchhaltung(at), staĀting your cusĀtoĀmer number.
PleaĀse note: If you need the sales tax shown in the creĀdit note, you must first have proĀviĀded us with proĀof of your sales tax liaĀbiĀliĀty. You have the folĀloĀwing optiĀons for this:
- Enter your companyās VAT idenĀtiĀfiĀcaĀtiĀon numĀber online in the cusĀtoĀmer area under āAccountā in the āEdit accountā secĀtion (scroll down).
- Send us a conĀfirĀmaĀtiĀon from your tax office using the USt 1 TN form.
- Send us a letĀter of conĀfirĀmaĀtiĀon from your tax office that your comĀpaĀny is regisĀtered theĀre under the speĀciĀfied tax numĀber. is manaĀged and is not exempt from VAT.
- Send us a letĀter from your accounĀtant conĀfirĀming that your comĀpaĀny is lisĀted under the tax numĀber proĀviĀded and is not exempt from VAT.
Not sufĀfiĀciĀent are:
- own busiĀness papers
- Copies of busiĀness regisĀtraĀtiĀon and regisĀter entries,
- Tax stateĀments older than one year.
Does HOTSPLOTS also offer InterĀnet connections?
Yes. In the conĀtext of so-calĀled hotĀspot proĀviĀsioĀning conĀtracts HOTSPLOTS acts as the opeĀraĀtor of the local hotĀspot netĀwork and actiĀvaĀtes InterĀnet conĀnecĀtions in its own name to opeĀraĀte the hotĀspot. This works staĀtioĀnaĀry with DSL conĀnecĀtions, fibĀre optic or coaxiĀal cable as well as SIM cards for mobiĀle phoĀne networks.
I have seveĀral hotĀspots. How can I add difĀfeĀrent bilĀling addresses?
If you have various bilĀling addresĀses you need one user account for each bilĀling address. TheĀrĀeĀfoĀre, you should creaĀte difĀfeĀrent user accounts befoĀre setĀting up the hotĀspots and link them to the respecĀtiĀve account.
For quesĀtiĀons and moving a hotĀspot to a difĀfeĀrent user account pleaĀse contĀact our conĀtract manageĀment team.
How can I abroĀgaĀte the HOTSPLOTS service?
You can deleĀte you cusĀtoĀmer account simĀply with a mouĀse click in the CusĀtoĀmer area. If you have actiĀve conĀtracts pleaĀse canĀcel theĀse conĀtracts in writĀten form.
We recomĀmend to deleĀte your hotĀspots befoĀre you deleĀte your account. In the cusĀtoĀmer area under My hotĀspots you find a butĀton at the botĀtom of the page, wheĀre preĀfeĀrerenĀces of the hotĀspot, like tarif, are set, calĀled ādeleĀte this hotĀspotā. PleaĀse conĀsider that the incoĀme of a hotĀspot will be creĀdiĀted to your account on the 1st of the folĀloĀwing month. You can withĀdraw you payaĀble incoĀme under My account > Pay out. The hotĀspot can currĀentĀly be deleĀted in the old cusĀtoĀmer area (as of June 2022)
You can deleĀte your user account in the cusĀtoĀmer area under cusĀtoĀmer data after you have cliĀcked on ādeleĀte accountā under āAccountā.
You can have your earĀnings transĀferĀred to you under āMy hotĀspotsā > āCreĀdit payoutā.
To perĀmaĀnentĀly deleĀte your user account, pleaĀse click on āDeleĀte accountā under āCusĀtoĀmer dataā in the cusĀtoĀmer area ā and on the subĀseĀquent butĀton to confirm.
Your account will be deacĀtiĀvaĀted with immeĀdiaĀte effect. PleaĀse note that any remaiĀning creĀdit will be lost for you.
How do I find the MAC address of my device (Android, iOS)?
You can find the MAC address in the setĀtings of your mobiĀle device. You can downĀload a short insĀtrucĀtion for various Android and iOS verĀsiĀons here: Quick GuiĀde MAC address
What shall I do with a defecĀtiĀve device?
PleaĀse call our supĀport team. You can contĀact us at +49 30 29 77 348ā0 (weekĀdays MonĀday-FriĀday, 08:00 ā 20:00).
PleaĀse have the seriĀal numĀber of the device and/or the deliĀvery bill reaĀdy. If the device has to be sent in for techĀniĀcal inspecĀtion, a return bill will be sent to you. This must be comĀpleĀted and encĀloĀsed with the hardĀware shipĀment. PleaĀse coorĀdiĀnaĀte each return shipĀment in advanĀce by teleĀphoĀne in order to obtain the manĀdaĀtoĀry proĀcess numĀber.
ShipĀments which canĀnot be assiĀgned, e.g. becauĀse of missĀing tranĀsacĀtion numĀber or insufĀfiĀciĀentĀly filĀled out return bill, will be sent back with cosĀts (39,00 ā¬ net expenĀse fee).
Or alterĀnaĀtively use our contĀact here.
Is it posĀsiĀble for users to log in with mulĀtiĀple devices at the same time?
TheĀre is no limiĀtaĀtiĀon on the numĀber of users logĀged in at the same time using Direct-LogĀin.
For locaĀtiĀon tickets, the maxiĀmum numĀber of simulĀtaĀneous users can be selĀecĀted. Tickets that can be used with seveĀral devices, i.e. by seveĀral peoĀpĀle at the same time, are calĀled āgroup ticketsā. For hotĀspots with a time-based daiĀly tariff, the optiĀon can be actiĀvaĀted that a maxiĀmum of three devices can log in at the same time. PleaĀse contĀact our supĀport for this option.
Is it posĀsiĀble that users do not have to log in to the hotĀspot each time again?
Yes. We can actiĀvaĀte the āAuto-LogĀinā feaĀture in the hotĀspot setĀtings. Under the āMy hotĀspotsā tab, we selĀect the hotĀspot we want to conĀfiĀguĀre by cliĀcking on the sproĀcket that is in the field for the respecĀtiĀve hotĀspot. We can now actiĀvaĀte the āAuto-LogĀinā feaĀture under āName and addressā. Devices with a known MAC address are then autoĀmaĀtiĀcalĀly logĀged in. The MAC addresĀses are saved after a logĀin for a cerĀtain periĀod of time. CurrĀentĀly, the folĀloĀwing time periĀods can be defined:
- 0 days limited
- 1 day limited
- 2 days limiĀtĀed or continuous
- 3 days limiĀtĀed or continuous
- 4 days limiĀtĀed or continuous
- 5 days limiĀtĀed or continuous
- 6 days limiĀtĀed or continuous
- 7 days limiĀtĀed or continuous
- 30 days limiĀtĀed or continuous
- 42 days limiĀtĀed or continuous
If the time periĀod is ālimiĀtĀedā, it expiĀres indeĀpendentĀly of autoĀmaĀtic logĀins. If the periĀod is āconĀtiĀnuousā, it starts anew with each autoĀmaĀtic logĀin.
For periĀods exceeĀding 7 days, the userās conĀsent must be obtaiĀned by ticking a box.
The Auto-LogĀin feaĀture can be comĀbiĀned with the Direct-LogĀin tariffs, daiĀly tariffs, with LocaĀtiĀon Tickets and also with FleĀxiFlat and LocaĀtiĀonĀFĀlats.
The funcĀtion is not available with time tariffs, which are bilĀled by minuĀte, and voluĀme tariffs, which are bilĀled by the megaĀbyte, as the user would otherĀwiĀse lose conĀtrol of the cosĀts if he does not actively log out.
The āAuto-LogĀinā funcĀtionĀaĀliĀty is available at no addiĀtioĀnal cost. PleaĀse contĀact our supĀport for this option.
How do I add free MAC addresses?
How do I deleĀte free MAC addresses?
How do I add free users?
How do I deleĀte free users?
How do I conĀfiĀguĀre opeĀning hours for my hotspot?
From the drop-down menu, chooĀse one of the folĀloĀwing setĀtings for the choĀsen one weekĀday off:
ā¢ Always open (open all day) weekĀday color green
ā¢ PartĀly open (conĀcreĀte opeĀning and cloĀsing times), weekĀday color oranĀge
ā¢ CloĀsed (cloĀsed all day) weekĀday color red
If you selĀect āParĀtiĀalĀly openā, 2 input fields will open. Enter the opeĀning time in the first input field and the cloĀsing time in the second.
By cliĀcking on the plus sign butĀton you add furĀther opeĀning and cloĀsing times, with the minus sign butĀton you remoĀve them again. To deleĀte the enteĀred time, click on the cross symĀbol. To chanĀge the enteĀred time, click in the hour or minuĀte input field so that the numĀbers appear with a blue backĀground and then enter the desiĀred numĀbers. FinalĀly, to save the opeĀning times, click on āAppĀly opeĀning timesā. If you leaĀve the page witĀhout conĀfirĀming that you have acceptĀed the opeĀning hours, all the data you have enteĀred will be lost.