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HOTSPLOTS Pas­sen­ger WiFi

Mobi­le WiFi solutions

High-per­for­mance and relia­ble WiFi solu­ti­ons for road or rai­led vehicles

More and more bus ope­ra­tors and public trans­port ope­ra­tors throug­hout Euro­pe are offe­ring their pas­sen­gers free hot­spots from HOTSPLOTS on buses and trains. The ope­ra­tors of the vehic­les bene­fit from the com­pre­hen­si­ve ser­vices HOTSPLOTS has to offer. The­se include hard­ware spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped and cer­ti­fied for use in vehic­les (e.g. rou­ters and out­door anten­nas for cel­lu­lar recep­ti­on) and com­bi­ne relia­ble inter­net con­nec­tion with various enter­tain­ment solutions.

HOTSPLOTS’ WiFi solu­ti­ons pro­vi­de pas­sen­gers with fast and fle­xi­ble access to the inter­net. The ope­ra­tor deci­des how the frame­work con­di­ti­ons for access should be desi­gned: free of char­ge and unli­mi­t­ed or with volu­me or time limits.


Your bene­fits at a glance

  • Hot­spot Roa­ming: auto­ma­tic recon­nec­tion for your pas­sen­gers at the next hotspot
  • Seam­less con­nec­ti­vi­ty: area-wide and seam­less auto­ma­tic log-in via all WiFi-equip­ped vehic­les, stops and cus­to­mer cen­tres of one or more trans­port companies
  • Wide ran­ge of con­di­ti­ons on how your hot­spot can be used — free of char­ge and unli­mi­t­ed or with volu­me, time or band­width restrictions
  • Hig­her total band­width pos­si­ble through chan­nel bund­ling of seve­ral mobi­le connections
  • HSVPN (Euro­pean patent) can dis­tri­bu­te hot­spot traf­fic to seve­ral modems simul­ta­neous­ly and thus uti­li­se the maxi­mum available bandwidth
  • Legal secu­ri­ty — with HOTSPLOTS you always com­ply with all legal requi­re­ments throug­hout the EU
  • Cer­ti­fied vehic­le hard­ware — from exter­nal anten­nas for LTE and GPS recep­ti­on on the road to routers
  • Ever­y­thing in sight — With HOTSPLOTS tele­me­try easy fleet moni­to­ring is always under your control
  • Fle­xi­ble and expan­da­ble — Our WiFi sys­tems can be retro­fit­ted in almost any vehic­le and expan­ded as required
  • Easy and fast — Con­ve­ni­ent admi­nis­tra­ti­on of your hot­spot and com­pre­hen­si­ve usa­ge sta­tis­tics in the dashboard
  • Full ser­vices for you — On request we pro­vi­de a com­ple­te packa­ge inclu­ding data tariff

Gre­at enter­tain­ment for your passengers

Enter­tain­ment packa­ges com­ple­ment the inter­net access at mobi­le hot­spots to make the traveller’s dwell time more enjoya­ble during the jour­ney as well as in are­as wit­hout a sta­ble LTE con­nec­tion. The HOTSPLOTS WiFi por­tal gives you ano­ther com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on chan­nel to your pas­sen­gers. Various infor­ma­ti­on and enter­tain­ment modu­les are available for the WiFi por­tal: digi­tal news­pa­pers and maga­zi­nes, access to films, TV shows, news & docu­men­ta­ti­ons or tou­rist infor­ma­ti­on for your region.

Have we spark­ed your interest?

Then call us on +49 30 29 77 348–83 or email fahrgastwlan(at)hotsplots.de to recei­ve tail­o­red assis­tance for your fleet.

More infor­ma­ti­on is available here: