Start­sei­te E HOTSPLOTS @ Inno­Trans 2024

HOTSPLOTS wel­co­mes you at Inno­trans 2024

Hotsplots at InnoTrans 2024

HOTSPLOTS @ Inno­trans | Hal­le 4.1 — Stand 230

HOTSPLOTS is loo­king for­ward to be a part of Inno­Trans again. As one of the exhi­bi­tors we will dis­play our pro­ducts and are hap­py to give you more infor­ma­ti­on about our dif­fe­rent ser­vice options.

Inno­Trans is curr­ent­ly one of the lea­ding trade fairs in the field of traf­fic engi­nee­ring. The fair is sepa­ra­ted in 5 seg­ments inclu­ding Rail­way Tech­no­lo­gy, Rail­way Infra­struc­tu­re, Public Trans­port, Inte­ri­ors and Tun­nel Con­s­truc­tion. This year we are one of the 2.771 ama­zing exhi­bi­tors from 56 dif­fe­rent count­ries and are anti­ci­pa­ting all the inte­res­t­ing exch­an­ge with the visi­tors and other exhibitors.

Lets have a chat about ever­y­thing HOTSPLOTS has to offer from 24th- 27th of Sep­tem­ber at:

Hal­le 4.1, Stand 230

If the­re are any ques­ti­ons or the need of more infor­ma­ti­on, don’t hesi­ta­te to reach out to us via our cont­act form:

6 + 6 =

HOTSPLOTS - Professionelle Hotspot-Lösungen
Hotsplots at InnoTrans 2024 - Captive Portal


With HOTSPLOTS Pas­sen­ger ‑WIFI, you can offer a safe and free-of-char­ge inter­net con­nec­tion for your pas­sen­gers in only a few steps. For that you only need a SIM card with your spe­ci­fic data plan. In the cus­to­mer area on our web­site at you are able to acti­va­te your hot­spot after­wards. With a con­ve­ni­ent FreeRa­te- con­tract from HOTSPLOTS you bene­fit from exten­si­ve services.

Over­view of your benefits

  • Free of char­ge inter­net con­nec­tion for your passengers
  • VPN-Rou­ting included (HSVPN — regis­tered europ. patent)
  • Cus­to­mizable login-page
  • Pos­si­ble free youth pro­tec­tion filter
  • Legal secu­ri­ty – all legal requi­re­ments are always ful­fil­led throug­hout the who­le EU with HOTSPLOTS
  • Quick and easy – con­ve­ni­ent admi­nis­tra­ti­on of your hot­spot and exten­si­ve usa­ge sta­tis­tics in the HOTSPLOTS cus­to­mer area

HOTSPLOTS plan­ning, instal­la­ti­on & maintenance:
Ser­vice for WIFI-Hotspots

In addi­ti­on to our part­ner net­work, the HOTSPLOTS Tech­ni­cal Ser­vice Team is also available for on-site WLAN plan­ning and instal­la­ti­on. Becau­se even the best wire­less net­works need cables, HOTSPLOTS is a regis­tered mas­ter craftsman’s busi­ness. If requi­red, our own tech­ni­ci­ans work hand in hand with a regio­nal instal­la­ti­on part­ner from our part­ner net­work, your trus­ted ser­vice pro­vi­der or even the customer’s own spe­cia­lists. For lar­ger instal­la­ti­ons, for exam­p­le, capa­ci­ties can be mer­ged and sub­se­quent main­ten­an­ce work and exten­si­ons can be car­ri­ed out by the instal­la­ti­on part­ner alone.

Over­view of our service

  • Exten­si­ve con­sul­ta­ti­on for the best pos­si­ble and most cost- effec­ti­ve solution
  • Plan­ning, instal­la­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce ser­vice by our own tech­ni­cal team or by cer­ti­fied instal­la­ti­on and ser­vice part­ners on site
  • Sup­port with the plan­ning and instal­la­ti­on of WLAN net­works of any size, both per­ma­nent and tem­po­ra­ry solu­ti­ons, e.g. for events
  • All-round ser­vice inclu­ding Inter­net con­nec­tion on request
  • Tech­ni­cal sup­port by tele­pho­ne and e‑mail — fast and pro­fes­sio­nal help in the event of mal­func­tions or pro­blems with your system

Com­pa­ti­ble hard­ware for your WIFI hot­spot — rou­ters and more

At HOTSPLOTS, you can get ever­y­thing from a sin­gle source — we not only pro­vi­de you with our inno­va­ti­ve and powerful Wi-Fi solu­ti­ons, but also the right hard­ware for your loca­ti­on — whe­ther for hotels, youth hos­tels, restau­rants, buses, trains or enti­re cities.

No mat­ter what area of appli­ca­ti­on you are loo­king for a WIFI solu­ti­on for, we have the right hard­ware for you. Every hot­spot needs a rou­ter on which, among other things, the cap­ti­ve por­tal ope­ra­tes and the VPN con­nec­tion to the HOTSPLOTS VPN ser­vers is estab­lished. VPN rou­ting enables secu­re ope­ra­ti­on even with your own inter­net con­nec­tion, offers an inter­face for remo­te main­ten­an­ce and hig­her con­nec­tion qua­li­ty, espe­ci­al­ly for mobi­le or bund­led inter­net connections.


HOTSPLOTS Inter­net Access: ide­al con­nec­tion for your hotspot

A hot­spot sup­p­ly con­tract is the com­ple­te packa­ge con­sis­ting of a WIFI hot­spot and the asso­cia­ted inter­net con­nec­tion. The inter­net con­nec­tion is dedi­ca­ted to sup­p­ly­ing the WIFI hot­spot. You recei­ve ever­y­thing from a sin­gle source.

We have almost no spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons for the local net­work (LAN and WLAN). Any exis­ting pro­fes­sio­nal net­work can be used for the hot­spot. HOTSPLOTS only needs to pro­vi­de the hot­spot rou­ter or appli­ance as well as the (DSL) rou­ters and modems on the inter­net side. If requi­red, we can of cour­se also plan and sup­p­ly the enti­re network.

HOTSPLOTS pro­vi­des you with the best pos­si­ble inter­net con­nec­tion for your hot­spot. We sel­ect the most sui­ta­ble solu­ti­on for your loca­ti­on from a wide ran­ge of sup­pli­ers and dif­fe­rent tech­no­lo­gies, regard­less of whe­ther it is DSL, VDSL, coaxi­al cable, fiber optics or LTE, etc.

If band­width requi­re­ments are high, seve­ral con­nec­tions can be used in tan­dem at one hot­spot. Load balan­cing is inte­gra­ted into the HOTSPLOTS appli­ance software.


HOTSPLOTS Tele­me­try: Basic fleet manage­ment for public trans­port & bus operators

HOTSPLOTS Tele­me­try offers a basic fleet manage­ment ser­vice for your vehic­les. Allo­wing you to moni­tor the loca­ti­ons and rou­tes dri­ven by your vehic­les and also mea­su­re the qua­li­ty of the mobi­le pho­ne con­nec­tion of the rele­vant pro­vi­der on your routes.

HOTSPLOTS Tele­me­try offers:

  • Moni­to­ring of the loca­ti­ons and rou­tes tra­ve­led by the vehic­les (GPS posi­ti­on tracking)
  • Mea­su­re­ment of the qua­li­ty of the mobi­le pho­ne con­nec­tion of the rele­vant pro­vi­der on your routes
  • Opti­mi­zed con­trol and con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of the hot­spot in vehic­les by com­bi­ning GPS coor­di­na­tes, hot­spot usa­ge and mobi­le pho­ne data
  • Pro­ces­sing and pre­sen­ting of all mea­su­re­ment results in the HOTSPLOTS cus­to­mer area using map-based over­views and dashboards

HOTSPLOTS pas­sen­ger volu­mes & flows: Ana­ly­sis of WIFI usa­ge data

HOTSPLOTS uses WIFI usa­ge data from exis­ting hot­spots to obtain fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on and thus expand the ran­ge of func­tions and ana­ly­sis opti­ons. Based on this, pas­sen­ger flows and pas­sen­ger volu­mes can be mea­su­red and visualized.

Based on HOTSPLOTS Tele­me­try, HOTSPLOTS Pas­sen­ger Flows & Pas­sen­ger Volu­mes is used to expand pro­ject-spe­ci­fic data pro­ces­sing to include the recor­ding of end devices in the hot­spot envi­ron­ment and other infor­ma­ti­on available in the vehic­le. This can be data on the cur­rent jour­ney (e.g. rou­te, stop and direc­tion infor­ma­ti­on) and the vehic­le its­elf (e.g. door signals).

HOTSPLOTS pro­ces­ses the available infor­ma­ti­on and pre­pa­res it gra­phi­cal­ly or pro­vi­des the aggre­ga­ted data for inte­gra­ti­on into cus­to­mer sys­tems via API.

HOTSPLOTS - Professionelle Hotspot-Lösungen

HOTSPLOTS WIFI por­tal: Info­tain­ment for passengers

With the HOTSPLOTS WIFI por­tal, you can offer your pas­sen­gers and visi­tors the per­fect addi­ti­on to the WIFI hot­spot. You can cus­to­mi­ze the HOTSPLOTS WIFI por­tal using our con­fi­gu­ra­tor and thus make your WIFI hot­spot available to your guests in your own design.

In addi­ti­on to inter­net access, you can inte­gra­te a varie­ty of content:

  • Inclu­si­on of messages
  • Use of feed­back forms for cus­to­mer surveys
  • Pos­si­bi­li­ty to dis­play adver­ti­sing
  • Access to enter­tain­ment con­tent — HOTSPLOTS TV to go:
    Appe­al­ing enter­tain­ment
    - news, docu­men­ta­ries, TV pro­grams, films, children’s programs

Over­view of all features

various con­di­ti­ons

you deci­de how your hot­spot can be used, whe­ther for a fee or free of char­ge, unli­mi­t­ed or with time‑, volu­me- or band­width limits.

paten­ted VPN- routing

HOTSPLOTS VPN rou­ting (HSVPN, Euro­pean patent gran­ted) pro­tects you against any misu­se and the hot­spot com­pli­es with the legal requi­re­ments of your coun­try at all times.

legal­ly secured

Pro­tec­tion from war­nings. We ful­fill all the legal requi­re­ments of a WIFI hot­spot for you.

youth pro­tec­tion filter

A DNS- based youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter is included and can be acti­va­ted on request and free of charge.

quick and easy

Con­ve­ni­ent admi­nis­tra­ti­on of your hot­spot and ful­ly auto­ma­tic billing.

cus­to­mizable log­in page

Cus­to­mi­ze your log­in page and wel­co­me your guests when they con­nect to your hotspot.

sta­tis­tics & monitoring

In the cus­to­mer area, you can view the sta­tus and eva­lua­tions of your WLAN hot­spot usa­ge and adjust set­tings at any time