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Beco­me our part­ner because…

…HOTSPLOTS part­ners earn their share!

You’re a com­pu­ter retail­er, a net­work tech­ni­ci­an, a CE, IT or tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons spe­cia­list and have exper­ti­se in the pro­fes­sio­nal instal­la­ti­on and con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of Wi-Fi systems?

Then beco­me a HOTSPLOTS part­ner and recom­mend our inno­va­ti­ve Wi-Fi solu­ti­ons. As a part­ner, you stand to bene­fit in more ways than one:

Broa­den your pro­duct offe­ring and gain access to new cus­to­mer bases with a com­pre­hen­si­ve ran­ge of solu­ti­ons on the topic of Wi-Fi hot­spots. What’s more, you’ll recei­ve an attrac­ti­ve com­mis­si­on and can bind cli­ents to your com­pa­ny while you’re at it, sin­ce satis­fied cus­to­mers won’t take their busi­ness else­whe­re. In addi­ti­on, you’re never bound to HOTSPLOTS, so you keep working on your own terms.

HOTSPLOTS part­ner – your advantage:

  • Broa­den your pro­duct offering
  • Con­ti­nu­al­ly reap the bene­fits of an attrac­ti­ve reve­nue-based commission
  • Streng­then exis­ting cus­to­mer rela­ti­onships and crea­te new ones
  • Keep working for yours­elf – you’re never bound to HOTSPLOTS
  • Gene­ra­te leads

The mar­ket for wire­less inter­net con­nec­tions is boo­ming – and HOTSPLOTS is let­ting you in on your share of the pro­fit with the attrac­ti­ve bene­fits of the HOTSPLOTS Part­ner Programme.

Have we spark­ed your interest?

Then fill in the cont­act form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Plea­se note that the part­ner accounts are based on the accounts for nor­mal users. If you do not have a HOTSPLOTS user­na­me, plea­se regis­ter first in the cus­to­mer area

10 + 5 =

To com­ple­te your part­ner regis­tra­ti­on plea­se send us pro­of of your com­mer­cial or free­lan­ce acti­vi­ty via fax, email or post. This could be your com­mer­cial regis­tra­ti­on, extra­ct from the regis­ter or for free­lan­cers an offi­ci­al let­ter from the tax office.

Only pro­ven com­pu­ter retail­ers, net­work tech­ni­ci­ans, CE, IT or tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons spe­cia­lists are admit­ted as partners.

Hot­splots GmbH reser­ves the right to refu­se part­ner appli­ca­ti­ons wit­hout explanation.
