Exten­si­on of the youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter at WiFi hotspots

HOTSPLOTS as Inter­net Ser­vice Pro­vi­der meets the requi­re­ments for the cer­ti­fi­ca­te of Fri­end­ly WiFi.

A com­pre­hen­si­ve exten­si­on of the youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter used at HOTSPLOTS loca­ti­ons is now in use. The pre­vious­ly used DNS fil­ter list is now sup­ple­men­ted by a “Pro­ject Arach­nid” fil­ter list. Pro­ject Arach­nid is a glo­bal solu­ti­on that Inter­net Ser­vice Pro­vi­ders (ISPs) and fil­te­ring com­pa­nies can access to impro­ve their fil­te­ring solu­ti­ons in the glo­bal fight against online thre­ats to child­ren and young peo­p­le. This fil­ter list is updated dai­ly. HOTSPLOTS thus meets the requi­re­ments of the Bri­tish initia­ti­ve “Fri­end­ly WiFi” . In addi­ti­on to the DNS-based fil­ter, the HOTSPLOTS Paren­tal Con­trols Fil­ter now acti­va­tes the “Saf­eSe­arch” con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons for search engi­nes such as Goog­le or Bing in the default set­ting. This means that the respec­ti­ve search results are fil­te­red both in the clas­sic search and in the image search befo­re they are dis­play­ed in the browser.

You can find out more about the youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter at HOTSPLOTS loca­ti­ons in our cur­rent white­pa­per (PDF zum Down­load).

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