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Relia­ble pati­ent WiFi for cli­nics and the health­ca­re sector

Patienten WLAN in Krankenhäusern

Pati­ent WiFi in hos­pi­tals and cli­nics: The advan­ta­ges of a con­nec­ted health­ca­re system

In today’s digi­tal era, net­wor­king and digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on are play­ing an incre­asing­ly important role, inclu­ding in the field of health­ca­re. Modern tech­no­lo­gies have long sin­ce found their way into our health­ca­re system.

Hos­pi­tals and cli­nics are incre­asing­ly reco­g­nis­ing the importance of pati­ent WiFi and are offe­ring their pati­ents the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect to the inter­net during their stay in order to impro­ve the qua­li­ty of their stay. This digi­tal and medi­cal pro­gress brings with it a num­ber of bene­fits that are important for both pati­ents and medi­cal staff.

WiFi from HOTSPLOTS in hos­pi­tals, cli­nics, reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on cen­tres and care faci­li­ties can gua­ran­tee impro­ved access to medi­cal infor­ma­ti­on, among other things.

In addi­ti­on, thanks to the HOTSPLOTS WiFi, medi­cal staff and carers can quick­ly access the latest medi­cal infor­ma­ti­on (elec­tro­nic pati­ent file) and always offer their pati­ents the best and safest treatment.

The abili­ty to socia­li­se with fri­ends and fami­ly during their stay in hos­pi­tal or cli­nic, or to enjoy our free pati­ent TV and video enter­tain­ment ser­vice HOTSPLOTS TV to go, can also help to pro­mo­te reco­very. The inte­gra­ti­on of WiFi in medi­cal faci­li­ties the­r­e­fo­re repres­ents a signi­fi­cant step towards pro­gres­si­ve and pati­ent-cent­red healthcare.

Fle­xi­bi­li­ty and secu­ri­ty with tar­get group-ori­en­ta­ted WiFi access

HOTSPLOTS WiFi solu­ti­ons enable hos­pi­tals and medi­cal faci­li­ties to pro­vi­de both their pati­ents and their spe­cia­list staff with fast and fle­xi­ble access to the internet.

We help you set up your pati­ent WiFi. You deci­de how you want to aut­ho­ri­se access:

  • Direct log­in: This free access enables users to use the pati­ent WiFi in the hos­pi­tal sim­ply by accep­ting the terms of use. No regis­tra­ti­on, no hurd­les — imme­dia­te free inter­net access for your pati­ents and visitors.er.
  • User log­in: With the user log­in, you can offer your pati­ents and visi­tors inter­net access for a fee. For regis­tered users in the HOTSPLOTS cus­to­mer area, the tariffs you have defi­ned in advan­ce are available. We take care of access con­trol and billing.
  • Ticket-Log­in: The ticket opti­on is based on vou­ch­ers for WiFi access, which you can issue inde­pendent­ly. The­se WiFi tickets can be dis­tri­bu­ted to pati­ents or visi­tors, for exam­p­le, to grant them tem­po­ra­ry access to the pati­ent inter­net. You can deci­de for yours­elf whe­ther the tickets are free of char­ge or sub­ject to a charge.
  • In addi­ti­on, access for indi­vi­du­al users can be limi­t­ed in time or by a maxi­mum data volu­me if desi­red. HOTSPLOTS also offers a cer­ti­fied youth pro­tec­tion filter.

Thanks to the­se fle­xi­ble and secu­re hot­spot solu­ti­ons, your pati­ents can make opti­mum use of the hos­pi­tal WiFi to relax, while medi­cal staff can com­mu­ni­ca­te and work with each other in an orga­nis­ed and effec­ti­ve manner.

Attraktives Beteiligungsmodell für Einrichtungen im Gesundheitswesen

Attrac­ti­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on model for health­ca­re facilities

As the site owner of your pati­ent WiFi, you always have con­trol over the tariff for your hot­spot. HOTSPLOTS offers hos­pi­tals and cli­nics an attrac­ti­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on model with various tariff opti­ons to meet the needs of your orga­ni­sa­ti­on. This means that you can offer your pati­ents and guests a com­bi­na­ti­on of paid and free use of the pati­ent WiFi. You recei­ve a fixed share of the reve­nue gene­ra­ted, which can be used to refi­nan­ce invest­ments in the deve­lo­p­ment or expan­si­on of the pati­ent WiFi, for example.

HOTSPLOTS — Expe­ri­en­ced part­ner for WiFi solu­ti­ons for hos­pi­tals, cli­nics and reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on centres

HOTSPLOTS solu­ti­ons in the medi­cal envi­ron­ment are based on many years of expe­ri­ence in equip­ping cli­nics, hos­pi­tals and reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on cen­tres. Our WiFi net­works are sca­lable and can be easi­ly adapt­ed to the size and num­ber of hot­spot users. Regard­less of whe­ther only the wai­ting area or the cafe­te­ria is to be pro­vi­ded with wire­less access or whe­ther the full wire­less covera­ge of an enti­re cli­nic com­plex is desi­red, HOTSPLOTS is the right part­ner for easy-to-imple­ment solu­ti­ons and the legal­ly com­pli­ant ope­ra­ti­on of a public WiFi hot­spot in the health­ca­re sector.

The inte­gra­ti­on of a legal­ly com­pli­ant WiFi solu­ti­on in hos­pi­tals for pati­ents or visi­tors into an exis­ting net­work infra­struc­tu­re is often requi­red and desi­red. HOTSPLOTS sys­tems are manu­fac­tu­rer-inde­pen­dent and can the­r­e­fo­re be easi­ly inte­gra­ted into exis­ting struc­tures. HOTSPLOTS advi­ses you on the inte­gra­ti­on of the WiFi solu­ti­on into your infra­struc­tu­re and sup­ports your in-house IT depart­ment from the plan­ning and con­cep­tua­li­sa­ti­on to the tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on and ongo­ing ope­ra­ti­on of the WiFi com­pon­ents and WiFi coverage.

Rely on our exper­ti­se and expe­ri­ence to equip your medi­cal envi­ron­ment with a powerful and secu­re WiFi infra­struc­tu­re. Cont­act us today to find out more about our WiFi solu­ti­ons for the medi­cal envi­ron­ment so that we can work tog­e­ther to equip your medi­cal faci­li­ty for the digi­tal future.

“An incre­asing num­ber of pati­ents are reques­t­ing mobi­le web access. After inves­ti­ga­ting the opti­ons for a simp­le solu­ti­on with low invest­ment and resour­ce requi­re­ments but high levels of relia­bi­li­ty and secu­ri­ty, we sett­led on HOTSPLOTS as the per­fect choice”

Joa­chim Gress­mann, IT admi­nis­tra­tor at the Sport­kli­nik Stuttgart

Sichere und multifunktionale WLANs in Krankenhaus und Klinik

Secu­re and mul­ti­func­tion­al WiFi net­works in hos­pi­tals and clinics

Mul­ti­func­tion­al WiFi net­works with dif­fe­rent user groups requi­re spe­ci­fic spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons regar­ding the net­work infra­struc­tu­re.
Ensu­ring the secu­re sepa­ra­ti­on of the pati­ent WiFi from the WiFi access for medi­cal staff (e.g. for mobi­le rounds) is always one of the most important requi­re­ments. The net­works are sepa­ra­ted using VLAN and mul­ti-SSID-capa­ble access points, swit­ches and controllers.

If you alre­a­dy have a pro­fes­sio­nal WiFi, all you need is a HOTSPLOTS appli­ance to rou­te the data traf­fic of the pati­ent WiFi. This is of cour­se also available as a high­ly available, red­un­dant clus­ter solution.

By using a vir­tu­al pri­va­te net­work (VPN), the data traf­fic of pati­ents and visi­tors is not rou­ted direct­ly to the inter­net, but via HOTSPLOTS VPN rou­ting to an end point in a HOTSPLOTS data cent­re and from the­re to the inter­net. In the event of misu­se of the hot­spot, HOTSPLOTS is the first point of cont­act for enqui­ries from the aut­ho­ri­ties via VPN routing.

Rechtssicherheit mit HOTSPLOTS

Legal secu­ri­ty & data protection

HOTSPLOTS is regis­tered with the Fede­ral Net­work Agen­cy under regis­tra­ti­on num­ber 05/423 for the pro­vi­si­on of com­mer­cial tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons ser­vices to the public in accordance with Sec­tion 6 of the Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Act (TKG).

We take care of all the neces­sa­ry adjus­t­ments to the legal requi­re­ments for ope­ra­ting a public WiFi hot­spot, such as data pro­tec­tion (GDPR), TKG, etc.

This ensu­res that your WiFi hot­spot always com­pli­es with the latest legal requirements.