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WiFi solu­ti­ons for schools

WLAN als Basis für das digitale Klassenzimmer

WiFi as the basis for the digi­tal classroom

As a pro­vi­der of pro­fes­sio­nal hot­spot solu­ti­ons for schools, HOTSPLOTS offers cus­to­mi­sed pro­ducts for the secu­re and relia­ble ope­ra­ti­on of your fast school WiFi.

We sup­port you in mas­te­ring the chal­lenges of net­work­ed edu­ca­ti­on and advan­cing the digi­tal equip­ment of your school. With cer­ti­fied youth pro­tec­tion fil­ters, we ensu­re opti­mum secu­ri­ty in terms of youth and GDPR-com­pli­ant data pro­tec­tion for your WiFi operation.

In the modern world of edu­ca­ti­on, the class­room has chan­ged dra­ma­ti­cal­ly through the use of digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies. Ins­tead of sta­tio­na­ry PCs, tablets, smart­phones and lap­tops are incre­asing­ly being used in schools. The basis for secu­re inter­net access is a powerful, secu­re and fle­xi­ble school WiFi.

Digi­tal lear­ning offers many advan­ta­ges for tea­chers, pupils and edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons. In addi­ti­on to tea­ching media skills, the use of digi­tal media such as lear­ning apps can con­tri­bu­te to varied les­sons and increase moti­va­ti­on to learn.

The use of school WiFi and cloud ser­vices gives pupils access to a wide ran­ge of digi­tal resour­ces and enables the effec­ti­ve use of lear­ning plat­forms and online materials.

Fea­tures of our school WiFi solu­ti­on — fle­xi­bi­li­ty, speed and security

With HOTSPLOTS WiFi solu­ti­ons, you can offer all user groups in the school fast and fle­xi­ble access to the inter­net. This allows pupils, tea­chers and admi­nis­tra­tors to use their devices secu­re­ly and effec­tively in school. Thanks to opti­mi­sed net­work manage­ment and smart admi­nis­tra­ti­on of the school WiFi, all user groups can access the resour­ces they need wit­hout having to com­pro­mi­se on net­work security.

You deci­de how you want to aut­ho­ri­se access:

  • Mul­ti­ple net­works can be ope­ra­ted in par­al­lel, e.g. for tea­ching staff, stu­dent net­work, libra­ry and school guests
  • Own access with indi­vi­du­al access data for each user
  • Crea­ti­on of indi­vi­du­al user groups, e.g. pupils in a class, who have the same access rights
  • Time rest­ric­tions, e.g. ope­ning and clo­sing times
  • Issue of access vou­ch­ers for visitors
  • Band­width manage­ment adjus­ta­ble per hotspot

HOTSPLOTS offers fle­xi­ble solu­ti­ons for all aspects of access con­trol and com­pre­hen­si­ve sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­ses of WiFi usage.

Planung, Hardware und Service - Ihr Schulnetzwerk aus einer Hand

Plan­ning, hard­ware and ser­vice — your school net­work from a sin­gle source

With over 17,500 acti­ve WiFi hot­spots today, HOTSPLOTS has been acti­ve as a WiFi pro­vi­der in Ger­ma­ny and Euro­pe sin­ce 2004. HOTSPLOTS is always at your side to sup­port you with its legal­ly com­pli­ant WiFi offe­ring: We take over the plan­ning of the wire­less net­work and advi­se you on the design of an over­all sys­tem that ful­fils your requi­re­ments. The aim is always to offer all users (tea­chers, stu­dents, etc.) a WiFi with the grea­test pos­si­ble secu­ri­ty and best availability.

Our tech­ni­ci­ans or tho­se of one of our part­ner com­pa­nies in your regi­on will car­ry out the instal­la­ti­on on site and sup­port the sys­tem during ope­ra­ti­on. Our cus­to­mer and end user sup­port will help with any problems.

Digi­tal­Pakt Schu­le → Infor­ma­ti­on on fun­ding opti­ons for your school WiFi

With the Digi­tal­Pakt Schu­le, the fede­ral govern­ment is sup­port­ing the fede­ral sta­tes in expan­ding the digi­tal infra­struc­tu­re in schools in order to moder­ni­se their IT infra­struc­tu­re and dri­ve for­ward the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on. Among other things, the plan­ning and instal­la­ti­on of a school WiFi and the pro­vi­si­on of digi­tal devices for pupils are eli­gi­ble for funding.

HOTSPLOTS sup­ports schools as a regis­tered pro­vi­der from plan­ning to com­mis­sio­ning and ongo­ing ope­ra­ti­on in order to effi­ci­ent­ly uti­li­se the finan­cial resour­ces of the Digi­tal­Pakt Schu­le and make school ope­ra­ti­ons more digital.

We offer you:

  • Advice and sup­port in plan­ning the WiFi infra­struc­tu­re and hard­ware selection
  • Secu­ri­ty through VPN routing
  • Pro­vi­si­on of the requi­red inter­net con­nec­tion on request
  • A cer­ti­fied youth pro­tec­tion filterr
DigitalPunkt Schule
Perfekt geschützt ins Netz - Jugendschutzfilter im Schul-WLAN

Per­fect­ly pro­tec­ted online — youth pro­tec­tion fil­ters in the school WiFi

​​A secu­re online envi­ron­ment is of the utmost importance for edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons, espe­ci­al­ly in the class­room, whe­re the inter­net plays an essen­ti­al role nowadays.

Child­ren and young peo­p­le today use the inter­net quite natu­ral­ly and intui­tively. To pro­tect pupils from acces­sing con­tent that is harmful to minors or ille­gal, we offer a free youth pro­tec­tion filter.

The use of youth pro­tec­tion fil­ters can pre­vent inap­pro­pria­te con­tent in the school WiFi and net­work. In addi­ti­on, paren­tal fil­ters can also redu­ce schools’ lia­bi­li­ty by ensu­ring that they ful­fil their respon­si­bi­li­ty to pro­vi­de a safe and secu­re online envi­ron­ment for their students.

HOTSPLOTS always uses DNS (Domain Name Service)-based fil­ter solu­ti­ons. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, this means that all web­site requests from users are first che­cked by the fil­ter. If the reques­ted page is on the fil­ter list, it is blo­cked with a message.

As the DNS fil­ters do not app­ly to the dis­play of search results in search engi­nes, Goog­le and Bing, among others, offer con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons that pre-fil­ter the respec­ti­ve search results. When using the HOTSPLOTS youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter, the­se Saf­eSe­arch con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons are alre­a­dy acti­va­ted on the ser­ver side. Rest­ric­ted mode is used when acces­sing You­Tube content.

When log­ging in, every user is imme­dia­te­ly noti­fied of the acti­ve use of the youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter. This fil­ter can be acti­va­ted free of char­ge at all loca­ti­ons. The HOTSPLOTS youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter is cer­ti­fied as “Fri­end­ly WiFi”, which offers a fur­ther gua­ran­tee of safe online access.

Sepa­ra­te and fle­xi­ble net­works — school WiFi with indi­vi­du­al access rights

Nowa­days, a secu­re, digi­tal net­work in schools is unavo­ida­ble. An important part of this is the sepa­ra­ti­on of dif­fe­rent user groups — stu­dents, tea­chers and school admi­nis­tra­ti­on requi­re dif­fe­rent access rights.

With HOTSPLOTS, you can divi­de the net­work of your school WiFi into dif­fe­rent vir­tu­al sub-net­works (VLANs). This means that access opti­ons such as time rest­ric­tions or access for guests can be indi­vi­du­al­ly com­bi­ned using access vou­ch­ers (mul­ti-hot­spot capa­ble). With sup­port from the cloud and cross-device access con­trol, HOTSPLOTS offers a relia­ble solu­ti­on for a secu­re and fle­xi­ble school WiFi.

Rechtssicherheit mit HOTSPLOTS

Legal secu­ri­ty & data protection

HOTSPLOTS is regis­tered with the Fede­ral Net­work Agen­cy under regis­tra­ti­on num­ber 05/423 for the pro­vi­si­on of com­mer­cial tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons ser­vices to the public in accordance with Sec­tion 6 of the Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Act (TKG).

We take care of all neces­sa­ry adjus­t­ments to the legal regu­la­ti­ons for the ope­ra­ti­on of a public WiFi hot­spot, such as data pro­tec­tion (GDPR), TKG etc.

This ensu­res that your WiFi hot­spot always com­pli­es with the latest legal requirements.

Advan­ta­ges of HOTSPLOTS WiFi


In order to be able to work digi­tal­ly in schools the­se days, a school WiFi net­work is indis­pensable. But what about the secu­ri­ty of the­se networks?

HOTSPLOTS offers pro­tec­tion against legal con­se­quen­ces in the event of data misu­se through VPN rou­ting. In addi­ti­on, a free paren­tal con­trol fil­ter is available at all loca­ti­ons and we imple­ment all legal requi­re­ments cen­tral­ly for you to ensu­re opti­mum legal security.

Thanks to cloud-based solu­ti­ons and pro­fes­sio­nal tech­ni­cal sup­port, tea­chers and stu­dents can work secu­re­ly online and use their devices in the school WiFi wit­hout any worries. This crea­tes a secu­re basis for suc­cessful digi­tal learning.


HOTSPLOTS offers schools a cus­to­mi­sed com­ple­te packa­ge inclu­ding a data tariff to cover exact­ly the indi­vi­du­al needs you have on site. Ever­y­thing from a sin­gle source: that’s our mot­to. From plan­ning, hard­ware and instal­la­ti­on to sup­port — we are hap­py to take care of ever­y­thing for you. We rely on regio­nal­ly net­work­ed part­ners to gua­ran­tee fast and uncom­pli­ca­ted ser­vice on site. With hot­spots that can be seam­less­ly inte­gra­ted into the school’s inter­nal net­work and cloud-based device manage­ment, HOTSPLOTS is a relia­ble part­ner for school operations.

More infor­ma­ti­on is available here: