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Sup­port­ed Hardware

At HOTSPLOTS you can get ever­y­thing from one source — we not only sup­p­ly you with our inno­va­ti­ve and powerful WiFi solu­ti­ons, but also with the right hard­ware for your loca­ti­on — whe­ther for hotels, youth hos­tels, restau­rants, buses, trains or enti­re cities. No mat­ter for which area of appli­ca­ti­on you are loo­king for a WiFi solu­ti­on, we have the right hard­ware for you.

One tech­no­lo­gy plat­form for all are­as of application

Every hot­spot needs a rou­ter on which, among other things, the so-cal­led cap­ti­ve por­tal runs and the VPN con­nec­tion to the HOTSPLOTS VPN ser­vers is estab­lished. VPN rou­ting enables secu­re ope­ra­ti­on even with your own inter­net con­nec­tion, offers an inter­face for remo­te main­ten­an­ce and, espe­ci­al­ly for mobi­le or bund­led Inter­net con­nec­tions, a hig­her con­nec­tion quality.

For sta­tio­na­ry hot­spots, the main cri­ter­ion is the neces­sa­ry pro­ces­sing power. This depends abo­ve all on the speed of the inter­net connection(s) and the num­ber of simul­ta­neous users.

Supported Hardware


Archer AX23


Appli­ance M

Appli­ance L

Appli­ance XL

Typi­cal max. data rate in VPN rou­ting in Mbit/s 100 100 500 >1.000 > 1.000
Recom­men­ded max. num­ber of simul­ta­neous­ly acti­ve users 30 100 350 > 1.000 > 1.000
Sup­port for VLANs and WiFi con­trol­ler software
Num­ber of WAN ports 1 1 1 1 ≥ 1
Coo­ling pas­si­ve pas­si­ve pas­si­ve acti­ve acti­ve
Dimen­si­ons 26,02 x 13,5 x 4,16 cm 11,0 x 7,5 x 2,2 cm 12,5 x 12,7 x 4,5 cm 19″ Rack 1U 19″ Rack 1U
Down­load datasheet Link Link Link
Scope of application Sui­ta­ble for small loca­ti­ons such as doc­tors’ offices, bake­ries, bars, holi­day flats, hair­dress­ers, small guest­hou­ses and inns, day-care cen­tres, petrol sta­ti­ons and many more Sui­ta­ble for small loca­ti­ons such as doc­tors’ offices, bake­ries, bars, holi­day flats, hair­dress­ers, small guest­hou­ses and inns, day-care cen­tres, petrol sta­ti­ons and many more sui­ta­ble for medi­um-sized loca­ti­ons, e.g. apart­ment buil­dings, camp­si­tes, hotels, youth hos­tels, town halls, etc. sui­ta­ble for loca­ti­ons with a high num­ber of users and high data rates such as shop­ping cen­tres, hotels, hos­pi­tals, schools, stu­dent dor­mi­t­ories, etc. sui­ta­ble for very high num­bers of users and very high data rates, such as cen­tral sta­ti­on net­works, hos­pi­tal net­works, lar­ge events, trade fairs, etc.

Cer­ti­fied vehic­le rou­ters for the mobi­le sector

For vehic­le rou­ters, cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on for the respec­ti­ve vehic­le clas­ses is of major importance. HOTSPLOTS sup­ports sui­ta­ble hard­ware from repu­ta­ble manu­fac­tu­r­ers for both tou­rist traf­fic and public trans­port. HOTSPLOTS solu­ti­ons work hand in hand with sys­tems from Bosch, Less­wire, Net­Mo­du­le, Eltec and many others. Cont­act our experts — so we can find the right solu­ti­on for you!

Supported Hardware
Supported Hardware
Supported Hardware
Supported Hardware

WiFi infra­struc­tu­re

For small loca­ti­ons, the WiFi of the hot­spot rou­ter may be suf­fi­ci­ent. All other loca­ti­ons requi­re a local net­work. HOTSPLOTS solu­ti­ons can be used with WiFi access points from all manu­fac­tu­r­ers. The easie­st way is to alre­a­dy have a pro­fes­sio­nal WiFi and sim­ply add an SSID for the public hot­spot. The data traf­fic is then sepa­ra­ted via VLAN and a HOTSPLOTS appli­ance is instal­led bet­ween the exis­ting net­work and the internet.

Depen­ding on the appli­ca­ti­on sce­na­rio, HOTSPLOTS reli­es on hard­ware from dif­fe­rent manu­fac­tu­r­ers. For devices from TP-Link and Ubi­qui­ti, the­re is also a HOTSPLOTS firm­ware in some cases. Devices from Ruckus are always ope­ra­ted with the manufacturer’s firmware.

HOTSPLOTS also offers “hos­ted con­trol­lers” for net­work com­pon­ents from various manu­fac­tu­r­ers. Here, the con­trol­ler is hos­ted in the data cent­re and replaces the con­trol­ler that would other­wi­se be ope­ra­ted in the local net­work. We curr­ent­ly offer this mana­ged ser­vice for devices from Cam­bi­um, Ruckus, TP-Link and Ubiquity.

Other acti­ve net­work com­pon­ents such as wire­less bridges, swit­ches etc. are available. Plea­se cont­act us.

Indoor Out­door

Small and medi­um-sized locations

Lar­ge loca­ti­ons and high den­si­ty networks