Home E WiFi solu­ti­ons for all loca­ti­ons E WiFi solu­ti­ons for youth hostels

WiFi in youth hos­tels & hostels

City-WLAN: Sichere und flexible WLAN-Hotspots für Ihre Stadt, Gemeinde & Kommune

A must for the satis­fac­tion of young travellers

WiFi in youth hos­tels plays a decisi­ve role in the attrac­ti­ve­ness and moder­ni­ty of the accom­mo­da­ti­on. Youth hos­tels that have a relia­ble and fast inter­net con­nec­tion can bet­ter meet the needs of young tra­vel­lers. This tar­get group uses the inter­net inten­si­ve­ly to com­mu­ni­ca­te, search for infor­ma­ti­on and plan acti­vi­ties. A good WiFi con­nec­tion is the­r­e­fo­re an important fac­tor for guest satis­fac­tion and can signi­fi­cant­ly influence the decis­i­on in favour of or against a stay.

HOTSPLOTS’ WiFi solu­ti­ons are per­fect­ly tail­o­red to the requi­re­ments and needs of youth hos­tels and their diver­se guests, espe­ci­al­ly school trips and groups. We under­stand the importance of offe­ring all guests — from school clas­ses on edu­ca­tio­nal trips to groups of fri­ends on adven­ture tours — an uncom­pli­ca­ted, secu­re and fast inter­net con­nec­tion at a fair pri­ce. You deci­de how you want to offer your guests access to the inter­net, whe­ther for free or for a fee, we take care of the rest.

Fle­xi­ble WiFi tariffs and secu­re access for your youth hostel

HOTSPLOTS’ WiFi solu­ti­ons enable youth hos­tel and hos­tel ope­ra­tors to pro­vi­de both their guests and staff with fast and fle­xi­ble access to the internet.

We help you to set up your guest WiFi. You deci­de how you want to aut­ho­ri­se access:

In addi­ti­on, access for indi­vi­du­al users can be limi­t­ed in time or by a maxi­mum data volu­me if desi­red. HOTSPLOTS also offers a cer­ti­fied youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter. You can defi­ne and con­trol all the­se opti­ons easi­ly and con­ve­ni­ent­ly yours­elf using our WiFi manage­ment software.

Thanks to the­se fle­xi­ble and secu­re hot­spot solu­ti­ons, guests at your youth hos­tel can make opti­mum use of the WiFi to relax, while your staff can also use the internet.

Wel­co­me your guests digi­tal­ly: The cus­to­mi­sed WiFi landing page for your youth hostel

A cus­to­mi­sed home­page for your youth hostel’s WiFi offers num­e­rous advantages:

Your holi­day guests and visi­tors, regard­less of whe­ther they are school clas­ses, young adults or fami­lies, can use the hot­spot on the landing page to keep up to date with the wide ran­ge of offers in the regi­on. You can also draw atten­ti­on to your part­ners and use the cus­to­mi­sed home­page for your mar­ke­ting. The cus­to­mi­sed start page can also help your guests to feel at home in your accom­mo­da­ti­on more quick­ly by pro­vi­ding the most important infor­ma­ti­on about your youth hos­tel here.

You can use our simp­le and powerful log­in page edi­tor in the HOTSPLOTS cus­to­mer area to con­fi­gu­re your cus­to­mi­sed start page. In addi­ti­on, you can pre­sent yours­elf as the ope­ra­tor of the youth hos­tel in your very own design by desig­ning the log­in page around the log­in mask.

HOTSPLOTS - Professionelle Hotspot-Lösungen

This not only includes the dis­play of your logo and the inte­gra­ti­on of your images. Direct links to your web­site and infor­ma­ti­on about regio­nal events orga­nis­ed by your coope­ra­ti­on part­ners can also be inte­gra­ted into your log­in inter­face and can be con­ve­ni­ent­ly mana­ged using the HOTSPOTS WiFi manage­ment software.

Of cour­se, the HOTSPLOTS log­in page is available in seve­ral lan­guages, so that your inter­na­tio­nal visi­tors are always appro­pria­te­ly informed.

“Most young peo­p­le take mobi­le inter­net access for gran­ted — with HOTSPLOTS we offer our guests a relia­ble sys­tem, which is also in ope­ra­ti­on in the Meck­len­burg-Vor­pom­mern towns of Burg Star­gard, See­bad Herings­dorf, War­ne­mün­de and Wismar.”

Den­nis Bross­eit, Mana­ger Youth Hos­tel Prora

Sur­fing safe­ly in youth hos­tels: Free youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter from HOTSPLOTS

A safe online envi­ron­ment is also very important for youth hos­tel WiFi, espe­ci­al­ly with regard to inter­net access. To ensu­re that child­ren and young peo­p­le have safe access to the inter­net, we offer a free youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter on our hot­spots. This not only ensu­res the pro­tec­tion of child­ren and young peo­p­le, but also redu­ces the lia­bi­li­ty of the youth hos­tels or the WiFi ope­ra­tors them­sel­ves in the con­text of “nui­sance lia­bi­li­ty” by ful­fil­ling their respon­si­bi­li­ty to pro­vi­de safe and secu­re online access for their guests.

HOTSPLOTS always uses DNS (Domain Name Service)-based fil­ter solu­ti­ons. In con­cre­te terms, this means that all web­site requests from users are first che­cked by the fil­ter. If the reques­ted page is on the fil­ter list, it is blo­cked with a message.

Sin­ce the DNS fil­ters do not app­ly to the dis­play of search results in search engi­nes, Goog­le and Bing, among others, offer con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons that pre-fil­ter the respec­ti­ve search results. When using the HOTSPLOTS paren­tal con­trol fil­ter, the­se Saf­eSe­arch con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons are alre­a­dy acti­va­ted on the ser­ver side. Rest­ric­ted mode is used when acces­sing You­Tube content.

When log­ging in, every user is imme­dia­te­ly noti­fied of the acti­ve use of the youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter. This fil­ter can be acti­va­ted free of char­ge at all loca­ti­ons. The HOTSPLOTS youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter is cer­ti­fied as “Fri­end­ly WiFi”, which offers a fur­ther gua­ran­tee of safe inter­net access.

HOTSPLOTS - Professionelle Hotspot-Lösungen

Upgrade your WiFi: Digi­tal info­tain­ment from HOTSPLOTS for your guests

Expand your guest WiFi with the enter­tain­ment and infor­ma­ti­on solu­ti­ons from HOTSPLOTS Media. The­se addi­tio­nal ser­vices are available local­ly on your hotspot.



Series, shows, movies & documentaries

The video offer is made available to pas­sen­gers easi­ly via the por­tal in the local WiFi. Popu­lar TV pro­gram­mes, films, series, shows and docu­men­ta­ries can be made available on the WiFi via HOTSPLOTS TV to go.



Digi­tal news­pa­pers and magazines

HOTSPLOTS Pres­se gives your pas­sen­gers access to the latest digi­tal news­pa­pers and maga­zi­nes. The digi­tal media are down­loa­ded direct­ly to your own smart­phone, tablet or note­book wit­hout an addi­tio­nal app and remain available even after the jour­ney has ended.


HOTSPLOTS Tou­rist Info

Your digi­tal tou­rist guide

With HOTSPLOTS Tou­rist Info, you can offer your pas­sen­gers a high-qua­li­ty tou­rist infor­ma­ti­on por­tal for all aspects of tra­vel­ling. Regio­nal offers such as events, excur­si­on tips for the sur­roun­ding area, restau­rant or hotel recom­men­da­ti­ons and even wea­ther infor­ma­ti­on are pro­vi­ded direct­ly via your hotspot.

Legal secu­ri­ty & data protection

Rechtssicherheit mit HOTSPLOTS

We take care of all the neces­sa­ry adjus­t­ments to the legal pro­vi­si­ons for the ope­ra­ti­on of a public WiFi hot­spot, such as data pro­tec­tion (GDPR), Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Act (TKG), etc.

This ensu­res that your WiFi hot­spot always com­pli­es with the latest legal requirements.

Full secu­ri­ty for WiFi ope­ra­tors and hot­spot users: HOTSPLOTS is regis­tered with the Fede­ral Net­work Agen­cy under regis­tra­ti­on num­ber 05/423 for the pro­vi­si­on of com­mer­cial tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons ser­vices to the public in accordance with Sec­tion 5 of the Ger­man Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Act (TKG).

Wide ran­ge of conditions

You deci­de how your hot­spot can be used, whe­ther for a fee or free of char­ge, unli­mi­t­ed or with time, volu­me or band­width limits.

Paten­ted VPN routing

HOTSPLOTS VPN rou­ting (HSVPN, Euro­pean patent gran­ted) pro­tects you against misu­se and the hot­spot ful­fils the legal requi­re­ments of your coun­try at all times.

Legal secu­ri­ty

Pro­tec­tion from pen­al­ties. We ful­fil all the legal requi­re­ments of a WiFi hot­spot for you.


Fle­xi­ble and scalable

Our WiFi sys­tems adapt to your needs.

Com­pre­hen­si­ve ser­vices for you

AuOn request, we can pro­vi­de a cus­to­mi­sed all-inclu­si­ve packa­ge inclu­ding a data tariff.

Youth pro­tec­tion filters

A DNS-based youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter is included and can be acti­va­ted free of char­ge on request.

Simp­le and fast

Con­ve­ni­ent admi­nis­tra­ti­on of your hot­spot and ful­ly auto­ma­tic billing.

Regio­nal part­ner network

One of our 300 ser­vice and instal­la­ti­on part­ners is also in your area.

Mobi­le solutions

Crea­te con­nec­tions to hot­spots in your local public trans­port system.

Tech­ni­cal support

We are available for you and your guests for ques­ti­ons and pro­blems by tele­pho­ne or e‑mail: week­days (Mon­day to Fri­day) bet­ween 08:00 and 20:00.

Cus­to­mi­sable log­in page

Cus­to­mi­se the log­in page with your own con­tent and wel­co­me your guests when they con­nect to the WiFi.

Sta­tis­tics & Monitoring

In the cus­to­mer area, you can view the sta­tus and ana­ly­ses of your WiFi hot­spot usa­ge and make set­tings at any time.