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With more than eigh­te­en years of expe­ri­ence, hot­splots GmbH has beco­me one of the lar­gest Euro­pean pro­vi­ders of wire­less inter­net solu­ti­ons. Our inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gy is pro­ven every day in gas­tro­no­my and hotel indus­try, tou­rism and events, in buses and trains, libra­ri­es, shop­ping malls and much more.

Here you can read cur­rent press releases of HOTSPLOTS and news about events and tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ments in the WiFi area.

20 years of HOTSPLOTS — 20 years of pro­fes­sio­nal WIFI solutions

20 years of HOTSPLOTS — 20 years of pro­fes­sio­nal WIFI solutions 

20 years of HOTSPLOTS 20 years of pro­fes­sio­nal WIFI solu­ti­on­s­It is a gre­at plea­su­re and honor for us to cele­bra­te HOTSPLOTS’ 20th anni­ver­sa­ry today on June 7, 2024 We look back on two deca­des of inno­va­ti­on and growth — an impres­si­ve jour­ney that we have only been able…

Expan­si­on of the Manage­ment Board

Expan­si­on of the Manage­ment Board 

With effect from Febru­ary 1, 2023, Dipl.-Ing. Sascha Schaub beco­mes part of the manage­ment of hot­splots GmbH and leads the com­pa­ny tog­e­ther with Dr Ulrich Mei­er and Dr Jörg Ontrup.
Free WiFi on STOAG buses and trams

Free WiFi on STOAG buses and trams 

Free WiFi on STOAG buses and trams Stadt­wer­ke Ober­hau­sen (STOAG) will equip all buses and trams with free WiFi by the end of March. STOAG cho­se HOTSPLOTS as the tech­ni­cal ser­vice pro­vi­der in a ten­de­ring pro­cess. To surf the inter­net for free during their journey,…

Free WiFi in the buses of ÜSTRA in Hannover

Free WiFi in the buses of ÜSTRA in Hannover 

Free WiFi in the buses of ÜSTRA in Han­no­ver Sin­ce Sep­tem­ber 1, free WiFi has been available for pas­sen­gers on all ÜSTRA bus lines and on the SprintH buses of regio­bus lines 500 and 700. hot­splots Gmbh, spe­cia­list for WiFi solu­ti­ons in public trans­port, was sel­ec­ted by…

Exten­si­on of the youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter at WiFi hotspots

Exten­si­on of the youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter at WiFi hotspots 

Exten­si­on of the youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter at WiFi hot­spots HOTSPLOTS as Inter­net Ser­vice Pro­vi­der meets the requi­re­ments for the cer­ti­fi­ca­te of Fri­end­ly WiFi. A com­pre­hen­si­ve exten­si­on of the youth pro­tec­tion fil­ter used at HOTSPLOTS loca­ti­ons is now in use. The…

Wi-Fi in the sta­ti­ons and vehic­les of the BVG

Wi-Fi in the sta­ti­ons and vehic­les of the BVG 

Wi-Fi in the sta­ti­ons and vehic­les of the BVG Sin­ce 2019, BVG has equip­ped its bus fleet with this ser­vice in addi­ti­on to its under­ground sta­ti­ons, and is con­ti­nuous­ly expan­ding its over­all ran­ge. Every day and every night, the yel­low vehic­les of Berliner…

WiFi hot­spot on the bus – free trial

WiFi hot­spot on the bus – free trial 

WiFi hot­spot on the bus – free tri­al HOTSPLOTS offers a three-month test peri­od for pas­sen­ger WiFi with BOSCH Coach Media Rou­ter Pas­sen­ger WiFi and the HOTSPLOTS Tele­me­try ser­vice are now offe­red to bus ope­ra­tors to be used free of char­ge for three months.…

Ana­ly­sis and Con­trol of Mobi­le Hotspots

Ana­ly­sis and Con­trol of Mobi­le Hotspots 

Ana­ly­sis and Con­trol of Mobi­le Hot­spots HOTSPLOTS Tele­me­try as an ide­al sup­ple­ment for public trans­por­ta­ti­on and bus ope­ra­tors HOTSPLOTS Tele­me­try has been impro­ved for use on rail and road. In addi­ti­on to a new lay­out and a clear map dis­play, the tele­me­try service…