Start­sei­te E WiFi solu­ti­ons for all loca­ti­ons E WiFi solu­ti­ons for rail transport

Rail Trans­port

“We are extre­me­ly hap­py to be able to tack­le this chal­len­ging pro­ject tog­e­ther with HOTSPLOTS. We sel­ec­ted this com­pa­ny becau­se of its tech­ni­cal capa­bi­li­ties and strong com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness. And bes­i­des that, the coope­ra­ti­on is a lot of fun.”

Heinz Bal­ters, DB Fahr­zeug­instand­hal­tung GmbH, Pro­ject Mana­ger of Coli­bri, Febru­ary 2017

Online every day

Today, pas­sen­gers expect WiFi not only on long-distance rou­tes, but also in local and regio­nal trans­por­ta­ti­on. As a part­ner in the Coli­bri pro­ject, we are equip­ping regio­nal trains with WiFi and enter­tain­ment opti­ons for pas­sen­gers throug­hout Ger­ma­ny. One of the key argu­ments for using HOTSPLOTS in the rail­way sec­tor is the relia­ble train-land con­nec­tion rea­li­zed by our dyna­mic, low-main­ten­an­ce, and intel­li­gent mul­ti-pro­vi­der solu­ti­on, as well as our con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on varie­ty in hot­spot design com­bi­ned with deve­lo­p­ment know­ledge and relia­bi­li­ty at the hig­hest level.

Always stay connected

When trans­fer­ring or wai­ting in par­ti­cu­lar, the con­nec­tion bet­ween sta­tio­na­ry WLAN hot­spots (e.g. at stops or in the sta­ti­on area) and mobi­le vehic­le hot­spots in roa­ming groups allows for seam­less con­nec­ti­vi­ty. This keeps pas­sen­gers on their jour­ney auto­ma­ti­cal­ly con­nec­ted and in cont­act with your network.

HOTSPLOTS pro­vi­des WLAN solu­ti­ons for bus, train, and sub­way sta­ti­ons and stops, and works hand-in-hand with trans­por­ta­ti­on com­pa­nies to fur­ther impro­ve pas­sen­ger service.

In addi­ti­on to the ser­vice, the­re are also num­e­rous oppor­tu­ni­ties for the trans­por­ta­ti­on ope­ra­tor. If neces­sa­ry, valuable data can be acqui­red on the length of stay and the move­ment of tra­vel­lers across the means of trans­por­ta­ti­on. This can lead to stra­te­gi­cal­ly rele­vant indi­ca­ti­ons, such as the deve­lo­p­ment of digi­tal and ana­lo­gue busi­ness models.

This is what our cus­to­mers say:

DB Westfrankenbahn