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HOTSPLOTS Mar­ke­ting

Make use of your hot­spot for modern loca­ti­on-based marketing

HOTSPLOTS offers not only a high-per­for­mance hot­spot, but also a useful exten­si­on to your loca­ti­on-based mar­ke­ting. You are free to cus­to­mi­se all cont­act points within your WiFi net­work and adapt them to your cor­po­ra­te design. Access to the inter­net via your hot­spot is pre­ce­ded by a spe­cial landing page seen by ever­yo­ne who logs into the hot­spot. This log­in page is free­ly con­fi­gura­ble — sim­ply log in to your cus­to­mer area and use the con­ve­ni­ent edi­tor to fill it with your own con­tent. This free adver­ti­sing space enables you to inform your visi­tors, cus­to­mers and guests about your own offers, events, and much more. 

Your digi­tal busi­ness card

Use the oppor­tu­ni­ty to adapt the name of your hot­spot to your loca­ti­on. It will be easier for guests to find your WiFi net­work with an easi­ly reco­g­nisable name rather than with the pre-assi­gned SSID that most pro­vi­ders use — after all, it’s about put­ting you and your com­pa­ny in the spotlight.

The WiFi Por­tal — Your com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on chan­nel to pas­sen­gers and guests

Optio­nal­ly, you can pro­vi­de addi­tio­nal con­tent to your pas­sen­gers and visi­tors with the HOTSPLOTS WiFi por­tal. You can find more infor­ma­ti­on here.

Adver­ti­sing material

Need­less to say, you will recei­ve mar­ke­ting mate­ri­al from us to help you adver­ti­se your WiFi hot­spot. This includes sti­ckers, table top­pers and user guides.